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Micropigmentation, otherwise known as Semi-Permanent Make-Up or Cosmetic Tattooing is the art and process whereby hypo-allergic pigments are inserted into the dermal layer of the skin using either a digital machine or manually with the microblading technique. These pigments, after a healing process, will stay in the skin, breaking down and fading with time. Semi-Permanent Make-Up creates beautifully applied make-up with 24/7 results.

Advances in the industry now mean that Semi-Permanent Make-Up has choices as well as answers. From soft powdered eyebrows to single hair replication, you can choose to go as fine or bold as you desire. At The Cosmetic Clinic we are able to create individually tailored looks to achieve your perfect desired result.

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Whether you have suffered from over-plucking, alopecia, uneven shape or are just fed up of drawing on your eyebrows every morning, Eyebrow Enhancement may be the perfect treatment for you!

The perfect brow can give an anti-aging effect, make your face more symmetrical and give you that boost of confidence that doesn’t wash off at night. Whatever your needs we can create the perfect shape and brow, tailored to you.

At no point in the procedure does hair need to be removed, unless there is an area that would benefit from a slight plucking to achieve the desired look. The idea behind Eyebrow Enhancement is to create a natural looking eyebrow, re-defining your natural shape and then enhancing this. 

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A hair stroke brow will give a very natural and soft look; the brow is built up hair by hair. As brows will fade with time, to keep them looking at their best, yearly touch ups will bring the colour back up to their full potential.

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A powder/ombre brow is for the client that likes a strongly defined brow and is usually best for clients that already have hair and like the fuller look. Soft shading techniques are used to create a pencilled in look.

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A combination brow is using the two combined methods of shading and hair strokes to create a natural looking brow but with depth and fullness. This suits all clients whether you have sparse brows, no hair or an ample brow that lacks shape and definition.



Microblading is fast becoming the latest and most desirable cosmetic enhancement treatment around. In short the definition of Microblading is the manual insertion of ink. Using what is commonly referred to as a blade, but is in fact a line of very fine, tiny needles, ink is manually implanted into the skin. Tiny, hyper-realistic hair strands are created to mimic the natural flow and curvature of your eyebrows.

As a fully trained and qualified Phibrows Artist, we are different to standard normal “Microbladers”. Phibrows is a worldwide academy specialising in a specific style and application of the pigment. I was personally trained byPhiBrows Grand Master Doville Zilinskaite and so have learnt from one of the very best trainers in the world! Only artists trained with Phibrows earn themselves a logo which can help to distinguish our work.

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Fill in your details below, or give us a call on 01202 699181